
Company and Values \

sellvin AG
is about

Company and Values \

sellvin AG
is about

Company and Values \

What sellvin AG is about

An international e-commerce Company. Sellvin AG stands for cross-segment product and shop diversity with its own brands and an in-house logistics centre.

Gruppenbild der 6 Vorstandsmitglieder sellvin AG

Company \

The sellvin founders

Holger Voss, Sascha Pusch, Jan Henningsen and Henning Pröpper are the heads behind sellvin: They have known each other since their school days and are entrepreneurs with passion. The sellvin AG was further expanded by Vitalij Gurkov and Benjamin Hornberg adding their know-how to perfectly complete the team.
Jan Henningsen, Benjamin Hornberg, Henning Pröpper, Holger Voss, Vitalij Gurkov, Sascha Pusch (f.l.t.r.)

The sellvin story

Business administration, law, architecture – after their different courses of studies these four men from Cologne had a common aim: They wanted to become entrepreneurs.

Sascha Pusch and Holger Voss were first to team up – and founded the “Off Price GmbH” in 2007.  “In fact, our first meetings took place in a garage, just how it befits for a classic digital start up.”, Holger Voss remembered. His twin brother Henning Pröpper and their common friend from school days Jan Henningsen joined two years later – through a merger with the then PPV trading company.

“We threw our core competences together and slowly but surely turned Off Price GmbH into a powerful global market player in the online mail order business.”, Jan Henningsen summarizes the first years of the joint company. While Jan was responsible for sales and marketing, Holger took over category management. Henning was responsible for new business and Sascha took care of the supply chain management. And this is how the division of labour still works today.

Since 2010 the Off Price GmbH focused exclusively on developing private brands and subsequently opened several online shops to sell their products – the result being a constant double digit annual growth rate.

“Our company’s success has always inspired us to constantly evolve and improve our processes.”, Henning says.

Optimisation and digitalisation of business processes as well as a strong IT infrastructure has become increasingly important. So it was obvious that the company should also specialise in these fields. In 2014, the quite extensive project was started to completely revise the merchandise management connection. For this, the specialists Vitalij Gurkov and Benjamin Hornberg were invited on board. This project was so successful that in 2017 it resulted in a merger and partnership with the two.

With the renaming of the company to sellvin in 2019 and a clear strategic focus on the development of own brands and the mapping of the entire value chain within the company, the incumbent Management Board is now opening a new chapter in the success story of its company.

From sourcing to logistics, marketing, sales, customer service, disposition and even the company’s own IT department, every process of an e-commerce company is represented in-house by more than 120 employees.

“Our goal is sustainable growth – we want to continue to develop our business together with our team, while never forgetting to enjoy our work,” Sascha concludes.






"Our vision is to establish sellvin AG as a digital and global private label world and international e-commerce company where customers discover uncommon everyday products and have the best online shopping experience."

Sascha Pusch \ Manager

This is who we are \

Our numbers

Discover what is behind our work – from the company history to the daily logistics process.






Orders per Day


Sq m Logistic surface




Countries of delivery




Private labels

sellvin AG

Career \

Join the team!

sellvin AG is constantly growing and expanding. That’s why we need your help! Are you interested in the world of digital marketing? You are fascinated by online shopping? You want to get to know the impressive logistics behind an internationally operating e-commerce service provider?

Well, then come and join us!

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